Friday, February 17, 2012

E.R. Visit

Well I took my first visit to the E.R. at 9 Last night. We would have much rather gone to an insta-care place but everywhere else was closed unfortunately. So it was a total freak accident, I was getting frozen baby food out of a plastic ice tray and the tray busted right in half. Plastic particles went everywhere including my left eye. Jake was coming home from work in just a matter of minutes so I tried not to panic. I called the 2nd super hero doctor in my dad and he said to try flushing it out and have Jake take a look at it with a q-tip. Jake couldn't find anything. Well 3 hours later and a quick visit to see grandmpa cuz he finally came home from the hospital last night and is doing really well since his surgery; we were on our way to the hospital.Jake said a comforting prayer and I felt that it was important that I get professional help cuz it wouldn't be worth jeopardizing my vision. Plus it doesn't help that I am a huge worry wart! (I got it from my grandma stock)It is a huge blessing that we have insurance. When we got to the hospital they put this special dye in my eye and the doctor couldn't see anything then he put some other solution in my eye that turned my tears green and used a black light and he find a scratch on my Cornea which was making feel like a had something in my eye. He sent me home with an antibiotic gel and some Lortab which I have been hesitant to take since last time I took it was when I had knee surgery and I would have bad dreams that I would try and wake up from but my eyes were too heavy to open so I felt stuck in this horrible dream. I am happy to have my sanity back tho. The doctor says that it will take about a week to heal so it still feels like I have something stuck in my eye. It always makes me so grateful for the little things I have whenever I get injured or know someone that is injured. I remember how good it felt when I could ride an exercise bike and then be able to run again let alone just stand up and walk without crutches. Now I have come to appreciate my vision. I just kept telling myself if I were to go blind I would at least have my right eye I could see out of. I am so grateful for the gospel as well that puts an eternal perspective on all the icky things we have to go through in this life. No matter what happens we will all be made whole again and with the savior we can find comfort in all afflictions.

1 comment:

  1. ‘Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning”

    The power of prayer!

    We luv you.
