Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The New do!

Well I am starting to think I am a short hair kind of gal. It doesn't help that my hubby loves when I have a Short A-line cut. I actually attempted to get an A-line cut twice and they just couldn't get it quite right so I took my own shears to the test and  gave myself an A-line!! Now there is no one else to blame but myself if it isn't right and I must say I am quite satisfied with it. I had Jake grab a few stragglers in back but I am almost thinking I may never pay for another hair cut again! I guess when it comes to hair and nails I am just a do it yourself kind of girl! I am sure if I could sew I would even make our own clothes lol but there is just something about being able to do things on your own if you can, you get a sense of self accomplishment and it makes you feel good....I think that is why I love running so much. No one can make you train let alone finish the race but YOU!! I would also like to apply that principle to life....YOU are in charge of your own life and what you make up of it!!...Just like my parents have always taught me...LIFE IS TOO SHORT SO ENJOY IT!!


  1. Super cute hair Luchelle! I was way tired of my long hair so I had my mom cut a foot off of it the other day. But she is not the best hair cutter so it needs a little fixin'. But I love yours! Very cute!
    Miss ya!

  2. I love your long hair aims! But I understand it's not easy having long hair I'm sure! Thanks! I really am glad I chopped it not that it was that long in the first place. But I miss ya too! We will be down in February for rick's homecoming so I'll be seeing you soon! Play date with our babies! Yay!

  3. I totally do that too! I gave up on people cutting my hair cause they could never get it quite right. I do miss being pampered but atleast I like my hair! :)
